Thursday, March 10, 2016

Milk Storage Update

Well we are now nearing the middle of March (month 11) so I decided to check on our breast milk supply and see about how much longer we can make it. There are 80 bags of 5-7 ounces each left in our freezer (or about 400-500 ounces on the conservative side). If your following along in the exclusive pumping experiment I stopped pumping in early November and have been living off the freezer for 4 and a half months now. Wow. That seems kind of crazy. We went through about 3500 ounces of breastmilk 😳.
Freezer #1 in October

Last month Jackson's pediatrician allowed us to introduce 2 ounces of organic cows milk (whole) per day in addition to a daily 20-25 ounces of breast milk. His intake decreased from about 30 ounces per day when he started eating 3 meals. He's not nearly as excited about milk anymore, it's all about food, lol.

At 10 months we began giving Jackson about 4 ounces of cows milk per day and haven't had any issues. Many blogs I've seen say to wait until a year old to introduce milk but we chose to follow our pediatricians advice so this is just our journey here. I've had several children in my daycare switch entirely to cows milk at 10 months at the advice of their pediatrician without issue as well. Jackson has also done hard cheeses and yogurt without any problems (all in moderation).

Oh, here's a little background on Jackson's growth. When he was born he was a small 5.8lbs and because of this his pediatrician watched his weight closely in the first month until she became comfortable with it around month 2. He consistently gained weight and is pretty tall (currently 30 or so inches) and is very much built like my husband lol. I'm giving you this background because in hindsight I spent way too much time concerned about why he was slimmer than other kids his age when he was always drinking milk and eating or snacking. He never had a single developmental issue and during our hospital stay when he was born all his tests and scores were near perfect. Our conclusion: It's just how he is built. He is currently around 18/19 pounds and wearing 12 month clothes and turns 11 months March 24th. Developmentally he's been amazing. Throughout our journey this first year we've learned to stop comparing his size to others let him be! Just a little encouragement to moms in a similar boat ☺️


Okay back to the milk! Here are a few pictures of some of our current stash (a good bit is still at my moms in her freezer). It's kind of sad to see it all gone but then I think of my deep freezer and all the bulk shopping I can do without guilt lol 😀

At month 11 I plan to switch to half breast milk, half organic cows milk daily and continue until the breastmilk is gone. Thanks for following along! If you have any questions please don't hesitate to post in the comments and I'll reply as soon as I can ☺️

Have a great weekend everyone!


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