Thursday, March 17, 2016

Product Review: Fresh Squeezed Station

Okay so if you follow my blog you can clearly see my obsession with making homemade baby food and using the Infantino Fresh Squeezed Station. A few of my mommy friends asked me to do a review so I'm going to try and list a few pluses and minuses and how to get the best out of your Station! Simply put, we love it, but let me tell you why. Ive been using the system for almost 7 months now and it's the most simple food storage system for baby food I have tried. The single use pouches get pitched after each use and the caps can be washed and used again. They freeze and thaw quickly and hold 4 ounces of baby food each.

The Station itself costs $25 and comes with 10 pouches and caps and is BPA and PVC free. You can get additional food storage pouches in packs of 50 for $15-$17. A friends of mine recently got a 50 pack of the pouches for $4.99 from Marshall's so be on the look out there too.

You can get the Fresh Squeezed Station from pretty much any baby store but if you visit the actual Infantino Site they have a list of several different recipes to try (I didn't realize this until Jackson was well into solids 😩)

When I'm storing the pouches I stand them upright for easier storage and keep them in the Fridge and Freezer Sleeve... Not sure if it's a more efficient way of keeping them or if it just looks neater lol.

My only negative is that it can be a bit messy to use sometimes. I would suggest getting the add on funnel for a few extra dollars. For me it drastically minimized the mess and any wasted food. I wish I had known about it months ago!

If I had taken pictures of what my station looked like before I got the funnel you would see food everywhere lol.

Although we've graduated form puree's to mostly finger food we still use the pouches for on the go applesauces, yogurts, and smoothies. My son's old enough now that I can take the top off and hand him the pouch and he feeds himself from it.

See some of the other post on the blog for some recipes we've tried using this system and as always share any cool things you've tried!

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